Thursday 26 January 2012


Directed by : Karan Johar
Produced by : Hiroo Johar, Gauri Khan
Screenplay by : Shibani Bathija
Story by : Karan Johar, Shibani Bathija
Narrated by : Shahrukh Khan
Starring : Shahrukh Khan, Kajol, Jimmy Shergill

Rizwan Khan is a Muslim child who grew up with his brother Zakir and his mother Razia Khan in a middle class family in the Borivali section of Mumbai. Rizwan is different from other children, however. He has certain gifts, particularly a special ability to repair mechanical things. His difference leads to special tutoring from a reclusive scholar and extra attention from his mother, both of which lead to heightened jealousy from his brother Zakir, who eventually leaves his family for a life in the United States.

Despite this resentment, as an adult Zakir sponsors Rizwan to come and live with him in San Francisco after the death of their mother. It is at this time that Zakir';s wife, Haseena diagnoses Rizwan with Asperger's Syndrome. Rizwan also begins to work for Zakir, and in the process he meets a Hindu woman, Mandira and her young son, Sameer or Sam, from a previous marriage. Mandira is a hairdresser. Despite Zakir's hostility to the match, Khan and Mandira marry and settle down in the fictional town of Banville. Both Mandira and Sameer take Rizwan's last name as their own. They also live next door to the Garrick family. Sameer is close to their young son, Reese while Mark is a reporter and Sarah is a friend of Mandira.

The Khans' perfect existence gets disrupted, however, after the 11 September Attacks on New York City. Mark goes to cover the war in Afghanistan and dies there. At the same time, the Khan family begins to experience post 9/11 prejudice in their community and Reese begins to turn against Sam as well. One afternoon, an argument between them turns into a racially motivated schoolyard fight between Sameer and a number of older students. Reese tries to stop the fight but is held back and Sam dies from his injuries. A shattered Mandira blames Rizwan for his death stating that Sameer "died only because his name was Khan." She then tells Rizwan that she no longer wants to be with him. When he asks her what he has to do to be together with Mandira, she sarcastically tells him that he has to tell the people of the United States and the President that his name is Khan and that he is not a terrorist.

Rizwan takes Mandira's request seriously, and thus sets out on a journey that takes him from one US state to another, in order to first meet President George W. Bush and later the new President-elect. During this quest, he travels to Wilhemina, Georgia and befriends Mama Jenny and her son Joel. Later, in Los Angeles, he prays in a Mosque and overhears violent rhetoric from Faisal Rahman. He reports this to the FBI but there is no response at that moment. Later, while waiting in a crowd to meet President Bush and repeating again and again, "My name is Khan and I am not a terrorist," Rizwan is arrested and placed in a prison by police who misinterpret his statement thinking he said he was a terrorist.

While in the prison he is interrogated as a terrorist suspect and meets the psychiatrist Radha who believes he is innocent. He is later released after a media campaign by some Indian student reporters Raj and Komal and Bobby Ahuja, who prove his innocence by unearthing his attempts to inform the FBI about Faisal Rahman. After his release, he returns to hurricane-hit Wilhemina to help Mama Jenny and her son. His efforts attract media attention and numerous Muslims come to help as well.

At the same time, Reese confesses to Mandira and reveals the identity of the boys who killed Sam. She informs Detective Garcia who has been assisting her on the case, and Detective Garcia arrests them. Mandira later gets a call from Sarah to forgive Rizwan, "I've lost my husband; don't lose him."

Mandira realises her error, she joins Rizwan in Georgia, and their love rekindles. However, at the moment she arrives, Rizwan is stabbed by one of Faisal Rahman's followers, who accuses him of being a traitor to Islam, and Rizwan is rushed to the hospital. With Mandira's help, Rizwan survives and meets President-elect Barack Obama who tells him, "Your name is Khan and you are not a terrorist".

MY NAME IS KHAN is one of the best movie i've watched so far, this movie helps Karan Johar to win the best director award and Shah Rukh Khan as the best actor at IFFA Awards 2011. In this movie, i'll give a comment in two situation which is before and after the incidents of 9/11 happens.

BEFORE the 9/11


Since at the beginning of the movie it is started at Mumbai, we can see that the economy over there aren't stable enough during that time. Standard of living there is still low, they did not have much development in term of infrastructure, because all we can see is old building and even the drainage system also did not working. Switching to America, the economy over there is very well compared back at Mumbai. There's a very nice buildings, houses, cars over there, and we can see that the standard of living there is high. Business went well, as long as u have a brilliant brain then there's no problem on making money there. No discrimination, people live in harmony.


In this movie, Rizvan grew up at Borivali, India. When he was young, he's always been bullied at school, even when he's playing at the garage where his father work, he's always been bullied. Pity to his situation, his mother brought he to met Mr. Wadia. Mr. Wadia is a nice person, he teach Rizvan many things, even his neighborhood also did not have problem with Rizvan they appraise him and said that he was amazing. After he moved to San Fransisco, working with his brother, society over there also did not bring any problem, since he can find many indian over there, he can adapt easily with American social life. In addition, his sister in-law who have been so nice to him help him a lot to make use to American social life.


Since he was young, his mother teach him to differentiate between Hindu and Muslim. During that time due to the political problem there's a Hindu-Muslim riot 1983 where there's a thought that each one of them should be shot mercilessly. Before the incidents of 9/11 there's no political problem shown on that movie. There's no racist problem on that time where nobody cares about other races and they just doing their own business.

WHAT is 9/11 ?

The September 11 were a series of four coordinated suicide attacks upon the United States in New York City and the Washington, D.C. areas on September 11, 2001. On that Tuesday morning, 19 terrorists from the militant group al-Qaeda hijacked four passenger jets. The hijackers intentionally crashed two planes, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. Suspicion quickly fell on al-Qaeda, and in 2004, the group's leader Osama bin Laden, who had initially denied involvement, claimed responsibility for the attacks.

AFTER the 9/11


After the incidents of 9/11 the economic conditions of that country turning upside down, theres no more peace on that country, no more harmony among each races. It is a country that full with discrimination towards Muslim. For Muslim there, it is like they are living at a war zone. Struggle so hard to earn money. Successful businessman turn bankrupt, even Rizvan also need to close his and his wife shop. His brother also facing the same problem, even his sister in-law who is teaching at University also being discriminate.


Social problem is the largest problem arise after the incident of 9/11. We can see it clearly when Rizvan's son, Sameer being isolated by his own bestfriend Reese who lost his father due to the war. The problem continuing for years and during that years Sameer died because of his injuries due to fighting with an older students. Mandira, Rizvan's wife, blaming her husband for the lost. She ask Rizvan to tell the whole world that he and her son is not a terrorist. Whole country isolate the muslims, we can see when the movie started the cop asking so many question at Rizvan that make him miss his flight. Everywhere he go, people will look bad at him because of his religion and his appearance till one day he went to Wilhemina, Georgia and meets Mama Jenny and her son Joel. Both of them is very nice , they treat Rizvan nicely like nothing happen even though she just lost her elder son that been killed at Iraq two months before. There are 204 people at Wilhemina, and all of them are very nice.

Here is one of the scene where Rizvan with Joey and the citizens of Wilhemina


After the incidents, political problem become worst, its like a war between Religion. Muslims cannot proceed with their business, to find a job also its like almost impossible. Racist problem is increasing. Muslims are being targeted and attacked, they even kill a sikh because they was mistaken an afghani. So a lot of American muslims are changing their name to escapes racial profiling. Questions are being raised about Americans biased views towards the islamic community, even muslim women who wears hijjab are being targeted. Post 9/11, America's view towards its islamic inhabitants is changing rapidly.


Thus, it can be inferred that the conflict between religions in this film which actually was a real event in our lives now are actually caused by the interests of a handful of elite owner power who spread terrorism issues giving rise to sentiments against the religion of Islam in the United States. My Name is Khan is a beautiful film that features a variety of social issues and religion. As a muslim, i felt proud to watch this movie because it have many values in it.

Everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes


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